Friday, September 27, 2013

Into the chant

Mantra in Sanskrit can be broken down into its derivative words. Mana meaning of the mind and tra can mean to cross or tool. So it is a tool to help you cross the mind.(2) The oldest know mantras come from the Rig Veda around 1500 B.C.E. the entire Veda is in mantric form.(3)

For the multitudes of sects of Hinduism there is an even greater number of mantras. The aim of any mantra is to use the vibrations with up and down tones created by the recitation to have the neuro-linguistic effect and Psycholinguistic effect. These effects release "curative chemicals" into the brain. "Listening to mantras directly lowers blood pressure, normalizes heart beat rate, brain wave pattern, adrenalin level, even cholesterol level."  Even if you do not understand the words of the mantra there can still be noticeable effects.(1)

My firsthand experience is that the calming effects of mantra can be felt the first time they are chanted. If enough repetitions are done in a sitting the effects are extended, and when a daily practice is maintained the effects can become a continuous state, altering the mental emotional level of the practitioner.

Work Cited

Arora, Indu. Yogsadhna! - Yoga as a therapy. Dr. Indu Arora, 2009. web. 25, Sept 2013.

Rajhans, Gyan. "The Power of Mantra Chanting." About. About. n.d. Web. 25, Sept 2013.

Sadasaivan, manoj. Das, Subhamoy. "The Four Vedas: Rig, Sama, Yajur, atharva." About. About, n.d. Web. 25, Sept 2013.

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